
Feb 24, 2022

How to Use t-SNE Effectively

How to Use t-SNE Effectively

1. Hyperparameter
- perplexity values in the range (5 - 50) suggested
iterate until reaching a stable configuration.

2. Cluster sizes in a t-SNE plot mean nothing
expands dense clusters, and contracts sparse ones, evening out cluster sizes

3. Distances between clusters might not mean anything
may not be one perplexity value that captures distances across all clusters
- perplexity is a global parameter.

4. Random noise doesn’t always look random.
- need to do in various perplexity values

5. You can see some shapes, sometimes 
- need to do in various perplexity values

6. For topology, you may need more than one plot
- need to do in various perplexity values