
Mar 31, 2020

R for Data Science

Cover image
how to get your data into R, get it into the most useful structure, transform it, visualise it and model it.

Mar 25, 2020

changing chromosome notation in .BAM file

change chromosome notation "1" to "chr1"

for file in *.bam; do filename=`echo $file | cut -d "." -f 1`; samtools view -H $file | sed -e 's/SN:\([0-9XY]\)/SN:chr\1/' -e 's/SN:MT/SN:chrM/' | samtools reheader - $file > ${filename}_chr.bam; done

for loop

for file in *.bam; do filename=`echo $file | cut -d "." -f 1`; samtools view -H $file | sed -e 's/SN:\([0-9XY]\)/SN:chr\1/' -e 's/SN:MT/SN:chrM/' | samtools reheader - $file > ${filename}_chr.bam; done

Mar 24, 2020

deepTools: tools for exploring deep sequencing data

deepTools is a suite of python tools particularly developed for the efficient analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, such as ChIP-seq, RNA-seq or MNase-seq.


Mar 4, 2020

Violinplot for Matlab

example image

SeqPlots : interactive tool for visualizing track signals and sequence motif densities along genomic features using average plots and heatmaps

 SeqPlots is a web browser tool for plotting average track signals (e.g. read coverage) and sequence motif densities over user-specified genomic features.

Standalone versions of SeqPlots are available as a Mac OS X (10.6 or higher) app bundle combing R, all required packages and scripts([subproject home]) or as an R package ([subproject home]). 

Examples of Seq Plots interface and outputs